Our Day Out On Lake Wilcox

For my lovely husband, he was using an ikayak. He had a great time and it handles much better than expected. Unfortunately, it did spring a leak in a non-critical area and needed to be patched.
Join us for the ups and downs and funny moments of our wedding planning and life after the wedding. The honymoon's over and real life begins.
Neal and I love to go on the lake and paddle a kayak. Then our neighbour Mike Sandusky from Surf Ontario talked me into learning to SUP (stand up paddle board). It was a lot of fun and I was hooked. I figured that instead of renting a board each time we wanted to go out I'd buy one. But a board takes up a lot of space so Blue Wave makes this really cool iSUP board. The whole thing including the pump fits into the backpack. How cool is that? I can't wait to get on the water this weekend and test it out. Fingers crossed for nice calm waters and no wind. I'm just learning to paddle and the slightest wave will send me into the drink.