Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Working From Home In A Pandemic

Well, I have to apologize for not posting anything for such a long time.  Life tends to get in the way.  I will post today about life in self-isolation during a pandemic.  So it's day 5 of working from home since the virus has taken over the world.  Covid-19 came out of China and since none of the governments shut down travel fast enough, travelers have spread the virus world-wide. 

Some folks have taken to this whole staying home thing like a champ and others should be ashamed of themselves.  Yes I'm talking to the toilet paper horders and those who have cleared off the entire shelves of groceries not leaving anything for the rest of us.  Congratulations you will now have enough toilet paper and other paper goods to last you into the next millennium.  Other horders are now trying to sell their ill-gotten goods on the likes of Amazon and other sites only to be stopped in their tracks.  I hope it was worth it.  Sure there are some very kind people out there offering to buy groceries for homebound folks in isolation.  Those who either have the virus, or are too scared to leave their homes to get groceries or are just following the rules.  There are others, who are trying to prey on the unsuspecting people with offers of kindness only to later be duped into pay a lot of money.  You can really see what kinds of people there are during times like these.  Neal and I are here at home working in our respective home offices.  Working from home is something that I have wanted to try out for many years now.  It's not bad.  I enjoy not driving to and from the office each day and not trying to figure out what to make for lunch each day.  I have to admit it's a bit lonely, but I could really get use to this in a big hurry.  One skill that my husband and I have learned, is how to do a Zoom meeting.  It's great! 

So my final bit of advice before I close here is this:

1.  Buy what you need when you need it.  Please don't horde food or paper goods.  Everyone needs stuff.

2.Follow what Health Canada is asking you to do....STAY HOME.

3.  If you have traveled (see above).  On the way home from the airport do not go and buy groceries.  You could infect others.

4.  This next bit of advice is going to be difficult...keep a sense of humour and don't watch too much of the doom and gloom on the news.  It's enough to give you a panic attack.

5.  Be kind.  Offer to help someone in need and just smile.  Many people are worse off than you are.  Many people are feeling depressed and anxious.  Call up your loved ones just to say hi.  Elderly people and those living alone may be very lonely.

6.  Say thank you so someone working in an essential service.  They have to work in these scary times and could very well get infected.  A smile and a thank you might brighten their day.

Well, that's it for me right now.  Please stay safe and healthy.


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