Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Canadian National Exhabition (CNE 2018)

 Once again we re-visited the CNE which has been our yearly tradition since we were kids.  Pretty much everyone goes to the Ex as it's known.  It's the official end of summer party.  There's food, rides, games, stuff to see and buy.

I'm not sure why, but there was a beach complete with Muskoka chairs and this cool lighthouse outside of one of the buildings.  It was a very cool place to hang out.

This cute gnome was made totally out of plants.  They also had people building giant sandcastles as well.

Here was the highlight of our visit.....the Chinese Lantern Festival.  We had to join this incredibly long line in order to get in to see the lanterns.  Not to worry, the line moves quickly.  Usually one normally thinks of lanterns and just a hanging light source, but these were absolutely amazing works of art.  See for yourself.

This was the highlight of our visit! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Our New Fence

 In every homeowner's life comes the time to replace the fence.  The time has come to replace our fence before it falls over on it's own.  The wood is rotten and the nails are separating from the wood and the cement is crumbling.
 The guys from Total Fence Inc. came and removed the fence pretty much by just lifting it up out of the ground.  It took little effort at all.  We are saving the pieces of wood for our neighbour's who have the same fence as ours.  They can salvage whatever pieces they can to repair their fence.

 Above is what it looks like with the fence gone.

 The other day we got a delivery of wood to our front lawn.  One day they dug the holes for the posts and poured concrete and then filled it in with earth.  The next day they guys came and carefully matched the logs to make the fence.  They were so fast and efficient.
 This is my favourite part of the fence.  It looks like a farm fence in the city.  We have some extra wood left over so we're going to expand the garden.  I'm really excited!!!